The review of 'Ways to Self Realization' appeared in 'The Theosophical Journal', Volume 5 Issue 6, Nov-Dec. 1964 at page 26. Recreated with the generous assistance of the Campbell Theosophical Research Library Australia.

Ways To Self Realization:

A modern evaluation of occultism and spiritual paths.

Mouni Sadhu. Allen & Unwin. 25s.

The writer of this very interesting book deals in a practical way with the problems of the interior life. Increased interest in the purpose of life and the search for the ultimate reality is a growing characteristic of our times and this volume will be welcomed by all who realize, even dimly, that there are depths to the human consciousness that have yet to be explored.

This exploration is the immemorial search for the spiritual self. The way of true happiness for the individual and, ultimately, for Society lies, it is stressed, in the recognition and acceptance of the values that belong to these depths.

The writer draws a distinction between knowledge of the Self obtained from books or from the teachings of the Great Masters and realization by the Self which can only be obtained by effort and experience. "The mere reading of even the best of instruction leads us nowhere unless we are able to realize them for ourselves."

Mouni Sadhu is himself a follower of the contemporary Eastern Spiritual Teacher, Sri Ramana Maharshi, but he recognizes equally the wisdom of all the Great Teachers of the world whose influence guides mankind along the varied paths to Spiritual attainment.

The book is divided into five sections with interesting sub-headings for easy reference. In an intimate way the author discusses the problems and the difficulties that attend the Seeker along his chosen path. The goal is Unity with the Self and through the Self with the All, the One Reality which may be called Nirvana or cosmic consciousness.

One chapter is devoted to Maha Yoga and another to "The Way of Samadhi." The power aspect of consciousness is analyzed in the final Section and certain occult experiences examined. There is also a chapter on the Egyptian Tarot.

This is a practical book written with a tender intimacy and many will be encouraged to tread the path to self-knowledge and thereby to happiness and fulfillment.

Olive Stevenson Howell.